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Practice 5

You will need a photo editor in order to complete this practice exercise.

GIMP is a free photo editor that has many of the same features as Photoshop.

You can find the GIMP Documentation here.

  1. Create a "5" folder with folders inside named "css" and "images". Also create an index.html file.

    screenshot showing files and folders in VS code

  2. In index.html, add the basic HTML structure for a page:

    <!doctype html>
    <html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="description" content="REPLACE THIS WITH A DESCRIPTION OF THIS PAGE IN SENTENCE FORM.">



  3. Within the "css" folder, create a new CSS file.

    screenshot showing files and folders in VS code with style.css file added

  4. Find an image file. Any image is fine. We will use this file to practice basic image editing.

  5. Start up GIMP (or your photo editor of choice).

    Open your image file in the photo editor.

  6. Change the size of the image. In GIMP, you can do this by going to Image -> Scale Image

    GIMP Documentation: Change the size of an Image for the screen

  7. Export the image file using an appropriate image format.

    Make sure to export the image file to the "images" folder within your practice 5 folder.

    There are several options available in the settings for optimizing the image for the web. Feel free to experiment with different options (and file formats) to see how they affect the size of the file and the quality of the image.

    GIMP Documentation: Getting Images out of GIMP


    When using GIMP, you can also save images as XCF files.

    These types of files will not work in web pages. They are only for use on your computer.

    For those of you with Photoshop experience: XCF is the equivalent of a PSD file.

    It saves all of the image information so you can go back later and make changesthen export it again in a format suitable for the web.

  8. Open the original image file again. This time, crop the image.

    After dragging the box to the desired area, you can either double-click or hit the Enter key to crop the image.

    GIMP Documentation: Crop An Image


    Make sure to export the image file with a unique name.

    For example, I named my files toad_resized.jpg and toad_cropped.jpg.

    And make sure to export the image file to the "images" folder within your practice 5 folder.

  9. Open the original image file once again. This time, add some text to the image.

    GIMP Documentation: Text Management

    Also See: How to Outline Text in GIMP


    After exporting this image, you should now have 3 image files with unique names.

    For example, I named my files toad_resized.jpg, toad_cropped.jpg, and toad_text.jpg.

  10. Add a stylesheet link within the head in index.html.

    Notice the href value. Since our CSS file is within a folder named "css", we need to use css/ at the beginning of the URL.

    <!doctype html>
    <html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Practice Excercise #5</title>
    <meta name="description" content="Practice Exercise #5 has been a splendid experience.">

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">




  11. Within the body, add several paragraphs of text. Lorem Ipsum dummy text is fine.

  12. Add 3 <img> elements in order to embed your 3 image files (resized, cropped, and text added).

    Make sure each <img> element has an alt attribute that provides a description of the image.

    See Lesson 5 for information about the alt attribute

  13. Float one img to the left of some text.

  14. Float one img to the right of some text.


    If your images and/or text are not displaying correctly, see "Clearing Floats" in Lesson 5.

    And take a look at the HTML code in my Practice 5 Example.

  15. Center one of the img elements on the page.

  16. Use the CSS background-image property to add a background image to any element of your choosing.

    You could use one of your 3 image files for this or find another image to use as a background-image.

    Make sure the image file is within your "images" folder for Practice 5.


    The CSS file is inside of the "css" folder. So, you'll need to begin the URL with a dot-dot-slash (../).

    Your URL will look something like this:

    background: url(../images/way_awesome.png);

    See lesson 5 for more information about relative URLs.

  17. Use the background-position property.

  18. Use the background-repeat property.

  19. Make sure it passes HTML and CSS validation.

  1. Push your changes to your Github repository.